Thursday, January 31, 2019

Still Frozen...

The freezing weather continues... but all things considered, we are fortunate that our way of life up here is prepared for cold, including extreme cold like this. Not much of our daily lives changes, although yesterday and today we didn't have mail deliveries. Also some retail businesses closed early. Not from the snow but from the cold! And today it was sunny all day, yet the temperature only went up to maybe -1.
I had forgotten to post a picture of our new curtains. We finally said good-bye to the old 70's green curtains that came with our house. To keep the cost down I put many stiches by hand to utilize standard-size curtains from a store to create non-standard curtains. Phew.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

When It's Freezing Outside...

When it is truly cold outside, way below the freezing point, you think of warm places and enjoy a glass of margarita. We had planned a venison taco party for Saturday, and all our friends braved the frigid temperature and made it to our home. 
For dessert we had Chocolate Fantasy Cake.... Mmmmm.
Next morning (today) I realized I forgot to take a picture of the colorful table setting yesterday. Oh well. We are pretty sure everyone had a good evening, including us.
Another bitter cold day, though bright and sunny, we made waffles, smeared with chocolate sauce (leftover from the cake) plus whipped cream. A breakfast to die for!! Well, when it's this cold, you eat and drink tasty things indoors, to survive winter.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Winter Pleasures

After the holiday season, just to have a ordinary weekend off can be a nice change. Even the weather was gorgeous this weekend, we went out for a leisurely Sunday walk. The air was crisp, but the sun felt good. 
I didn't do much cooking on the weekend, but today I cooked up some venison Hungarian style, completed with spƤtzle (as best as I could manage without a proper tool...). When the day time temps are in single digit, this hearty meal hit the spot. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Happy New Year, Belated

We somehow failed to post our new year greetings... We managed to do some traveling between Christmas and New Year and visited a few important friends. Kayo had to work the New Year's Day, so our celebration was rather tame. Things are pretty much back to our normal now. 
Tonight we had our regularly occurring cheese platter, completed with our own dried persimmon slices. The persimmon experiment was a success, though we had much doubt.
For dessert we had homemade vanilla ice cream, served with Baileys, thanks to the gift from Santa in Ironwood. Yum.