Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve

After having owned an antique fondue set for 12 years, we finally decided to give it a try on this Christmas Eve. Not even sure if we did it right... but it was tasty and fun. Like a Swiss hot pot! 
I also made Kahlua cheesecake last week, which is aging quite nicely. Our Christmas Eve dinner looked pretty fancy, but in reality there was very little preparation!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Almost Christmas

Hope everyone is getting ready for Christmas. I had my last early morning shift today before Christmas. Unfortunately Joe has to work a normal day tomorrow, but when I got off work earlier than scheduled today, Joe treated me to our favorite nacho and beer. Then, I managed to bake at least a batch of spritz cookies. Now I'm ready, I think.... At least for "The Christmas Story" movie.
Joe had gotten his deer all processed for us to enjoy. Spicy snack sticks and summer sausage are amazing!!! With venison ground meat I made my first ever meat loaf. We are hoping to try a few new venison recipes this winter. 
Merry Christmas to all! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Christmas Spirit

Yesterday I printed our holiday greeting cards. Now our dining room is filled with ink smell and the table top and bottom with prints.
We decorated our potted pine tree with as many light-weight ornaments as it could hold, looking festive enough next to Joe's leg lamp.
This handsome lion was Joe's antique find when we were in Ironwood. He is dutifully carrying the Christmas spirit in our upstairs bathroom. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Belated Thanksgiving

In the midweek after Thanksgiving we took a couple days off to see our friend KK from Hawaii. As the pictures show, we didn't travel to a tropical paradise. We met up in the winter wonderland of Ironwood. Such a short visit, but very nice. 
 With feather-like snow non-stop, it felt like Christmas.
A freshly cut Christmas tree was beautifully decorated. 
After saying a good bye to our friend from Hawaii, we were dreaming of the warm tropical sun. Joe cooked Loco Moco and Mac salad... in the middle of a winter storm, which gifted us with over a foot of snow. It's the season!