Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Apple Creek At Last!

I've been training a new person at work this month, and this Sunday was my first weekend day off. Joe was also off call, so we took our second trip out to Apple Creek this season. August is not a good month for catching "big ones", and it could get quite warm by midday. We opted for a quick trip, wanting to see any changes from heavy rains in June. We soon found out that the Big Hole was just as picturesque and very finicky as we remembered. We know the big ones are in there.... 
Sharing a can of craft beer on the river was the highlight.
Still, we managed to catch some fish. Mostly rainbows under 9 inches, which are quite fun catching in the fast waters. I think we ended up catching over a dozen between the two of us. Joe caught a couple of fish over 10", including this brookie. 
A few maple trees are starting to turn colors. I suspect the peak of color season is still a month away, but fall is coming. In fact, this week our sister city delegates from Japan are in town, and we are having chilly weather. The day time high for today was about 55. Brrrrrr. It should warm up later in the week though.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

State Fair, Already!

It is time for the State Fair again. Yesterday evening we had a perfect weather, not too hot, not too cold. This time we actually didn't stuff ourselves too badly, rather enjoyed visiting with Joe's aunt and uncle who were on vacation from down state. My favorite is always the colorful lights that come on after dark.
Earlier in the day I had my every-other-year ritual of haircut. Here's the pictures of "Before" and,,,
"After." So much lighter now!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Fishing & Painting

We still have not-so-successful days fishing, like this Tuesday evening. The weather was changing. Even then we usually manage to enjoy just being on the beautiful stream. I always carry my little camera, trying to catch "inspiration" for art. 
Recently I impulsively rearranged and cleaned my studio, much needed tasks. My organized studio helped me start a painting. Naturally I'm painting a trout stream.
With Joe fishing in it. I'm a bit rusty with my paint brushes, I realized, and this personal touch is helping me focus. Here's hoping for me to actually finish the painting!