Saturday, December 23, 2017

X'mas Eve-Eve

After our yakitori season really ended, we've been enjoying Japanese hot pot dinners regularly. At least twice a week. It's been a lifesaver for me to come home from work after 5 and manage putting together a meal. A tasty warm meal. 
It's now time for "A Christmas Story" with a drink. Cheers! Hoping for a relaxing next couple of days off from work. Merry Christmas to you all.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

That Time of Year

Joe's deer season is over. He hunted 10 days of the season this year, and the picture above shows his accomplishment. He got his reading done. Even though he saw deer every day, including quite a few bucks, he didn't take a shot at any. His big 6-pointer never showed. A smaller 6-pointer did come, only to his brother Mark. That's life.... The good thing about Joe not shooting a deer this year is that we have enough room in our freezer for me to make homemade ice cream! Life always has a bright side.
And it's December already! I managed to design our holiday card image this past week. No time to waste before printing all the cards.
Today we had a balmy 45-degree weather, so we decided it called for yakitori dinner, one last time this season. Well, by then it was dark out and the temperature down to 35. I put a pair of long johns and a knitted hat! It was still fun and tasty. Now our yakitori grill can go into hibernation.