Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Fishing Fever, Not Cured

Last Thursday we both had a day off to fish Apple Creek, hoping to catch a salmon. At one point I dropped my waterproof camera in the water, so I decided to take a couple of underwater pictures. And it confirmed that there were no salmon. It was another slow day fishing. Oh well.
The Saturday morning was not any better fishing/catching. It got very warm, almost 90! We went to beach to cool off in the afternoon. Too hot for anything else!
We just kept hoping to see our first salmon. Sunday was forecasted to be just as warm, so we took an even earlier start to go back to Apple Creek. The morning mist was very pretty, though it only lasted a short while.
My first cast into the dark water caught a 13" Brown. Maybe, maybe a sign for the bigger salmon....
But then, Nothing! Fish weren't even after Joe's crawlers. That's pretty bad. We fished downstream with not much success. We just wanted to see the salmon were up, even if they weren't biting. So we walked back to the first Big Hole now that the sun was starting to shine into the water to illuminate for us to see underwater. After a little while Joe spotted two sets of fins moving around above the water. Just like shark fins. Salmon are up, and those two were heading up the stream. So we chased after them. We got to watch them splash and chase each other. They were so close. Joe missed one of them once. They wanted nothing to do with a spinner, or a crawler. All in all we ended up staying on the river extra two hours. Fish won. 
We are fully intending to fish for salmon as much as we can till the end of the month. Joe went out this evening after work and saw one salmon and caught a bunch of small rainbow trout. Fall salmon have just started coming up the rivers. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Almost There!

With small signs of autumn popping, we started to check on the grapes in our backyard. This past week they really started to turn color. Maybe in a week or so Joe can pick his first batch. It looks like we won't have as many grapes as previous years.... We will see. It's almost grape jelly making time again.
And tomorrow is the last day of my 9 days straight working. Phew, almost there! We both have Thursday off to go fishing. Can't wait!

Monday, September 11, 2017


For about a month already the Nature has been showing the signs of fall. Any time now we could have a burst of fall color and fall salmon. The anticipation is killing us. Not so much the fall color, but the salmon. This weekend it seemed all fish were gone on vacation, if not on strike. Joe caught a couple of trout right at the beginning on Saturday, but then nothing after that. Yesterday we didn't see a single fish during 2 hours we fished. Not even a tiny minnow!
That's life. Fishing is as unpredictable and unexplainable sometimes. So we tried (really had to try) to enjoy the beautiful nature, not wondering where the fish were. Afterwards Joe treated us both to Big Creek Burgers on our way home. A tasty consolation prize!