Sunday, May 14, 2017

Trout Season Officially

Trout season actually started the day before our departure to New Orleans. Joe has hardly missed opening days of trout season, but he did this year. The weather was not favorable for fishing, and he wanted to avoid any sprained ankles before the trip. So yesterday was officially Joe's first day out on the stream. A quick trip to Frowling Falls... turned out to be one of the best outings. I (Kayo) had to work and miss all that excitement! Joe caught a couple of very nice browns first. Then he caught not one but TWO 29" steelhead, roughly weighing 6 pounds each.
To show how big the fish were, in the below picture is only one of the steelhead wrapped in a black garbage bag, barely fitting in our refrigerator.
Even better, here's Joe holding one. Oh, how I wish I could have been there....
Today, our Mother's Day plan was to have Joe's mom over for BBQ rib dinner, so we could go out fishing in the morning. The same stream as yesterday, but NNE wind (not good weather for fishing) and chillier. We didn't see any steelhead like we hoped. I did manage to catch this 14" brown before all small fish quit chasing spinners. A very good catch for a trout standard really, but I had to let it go because I was chasing after much bigger steelhead.  
Cheerful marsh marigold was in full bloom in woods, as we thought of all our mother figures out there. Happy Mother's Day!

NOLA in a Flash!

Before it becomes old news, I better write a quick post from our NOLA trip.... or more like key snap shots of our otherworldly time in New Orleans.
Day 1: After our early but smooth flight and a cab ride,  we reached French Quarter before noon. Just as predicted, though, it started raining, then POURING. What better way to stay dry than a pint of Guinness and a Po Boy.
Once the rain quit, we had to say hi to the mighty Mississippi.
As expected, but it was still very nice to randomly encounter jazz bands and street performers everywhere you went in town. Oh, and random parades that stopped traffic!
 And our highlight: gator swamp tour. Joe's always wanted a pair of gator-skin boots since he was young, and this was the closest he's gotten to a real thing.
 We hardly stayed out late at night, but a NOLA trip without Bourbon Street is not complete.
We had another rainy day, which was perfect for museums to learn the local history and culture.
When this close to the gulf, we had to enjoy some raw oysters during happy hours. Fresh!!
 Couldn't forget about the above ground cemeteries, either.
But we must admit, what we miss the most about our trip is this awesome frozen Irish coffee drink at Erin Rose, a great dive bar 3 blocks from our room. And we were glad they were having cool weather for them (not for Joe). It was a fun anniversary adventure for us.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Still Alive... in NOLA

We are in the middle of our vacation in New Orleans. Yesterday we went on a swamp tour to see alligators and it was fun. Always nice to learn about the area.
One thing we learned. We are far from wild partyers even staying right on Bourbon Street. Tonight, though, a storm is keeping this party town tame just a bit. We are staying in to recharge for tomorrow, also to digest all the good food we have eaten.