Friday, August 26, 2016

Finally Rained

After about a month of no rain, of course, last weekend when Joe had planned to be off call, it finally rained. POURED more like.... though we were actually visiting the Murphys in Green Bay, so we only heard about it. Sunday Joe went fishing like normal and realized soon that the river was not crossable. He still walked the bank to fish, but water was too high, too fast, and too brown to catch any fish. The best part of his trip was that he met a painted turtle named KNASH. It was quite exciting for him, because we hardly ever see anybody on Apple Creek.
The below picture is from yesterday evening. The water levels have come down nicely, though the weather was changing and the catching was not so good. Still it was worth taking a quick fishing trip after 5. Definitely you could feel a little bit of autumn in the woods, which means salmon should start coming up the stream soon.
We got to check out the Green Bay farmer's market on Saturday, and I picked up my very first bitter melons. Out of curiosity. I made a typical Okinawan bitter melon dish with pork, tofu, and eggs. I had no idea how it was supposed to taste, either. We definitely tasted the bitterness, but it was fine served with rice. Joe even thought it was interesting but not bad, which surprised me. We both felt somewhat healthier afterwards!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

A Perfect Summer Day

This past weekend we continued to have perfect summer weather. We started out on our favorite stream in the morning, though fish were not cooperative. Kayo almost caught a nice fish, but lost it close to the bank. A brief moment of excitement.
Raspberries and blackberries in the wild are ripening. We beat the wild bears for a handful of blackberries to enjoy.
We couldn't waste such a perfect summer afternoon, so we headed out to the lake. We walked on the sandy beach and picked a few rocks. When we got hungry, we split a pasty to have a Yooper picnic. We enjoyed the happy sunny warm but not too hot weather... but really need some rain for our trout stream.
P.S. After our picnic we sat outdoor at Blackrocks Brewery to have some cold beer. And it was perfect!