Saturday, April 18, 2015

Dreaming of Spring Salmon

It's hard to believe last Friday morning we had almost a foot of snow. The weekend turned really nice and warm, melting lots of snow. We almost forgot about winter. The weather was so nice on Thursday, close to 70, Joe had to leave his work early afternoon to hit the break walls to fish for spring salmon. He missed one after 3 hours and saw a guy on a boat catch one. Next day, Friday, I patiently waited Joe to get off work, bought my new season fishing license, then we went out to the lake. It was just nice to just sit in the sun, with most of the ice gone. After 2 hours absolutely no fish, but very picturesque views: blue water, clear sky, lighthouse, and even cityscapes.
All for a taste of fresh salmon. Earlier this week I made sushi rolls with the last of fall salmon stored in the freezer, dreaming of catching that first salmon of the season. This day I made a pork wrapped asparagus dish, which was also a taste of spring. I guess it's worth taking our time noticing many little seasonal changes, especially from cold winter to spring. This coming week may bring us some more snow, but we'll continue dreaming... of spring.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Spring Backward

We woke up to 10 inches of heavy wet snow this morning. The thick fog and rain yesterday changed into snow overnight, as forecasted. It probably would have been a snow day had it not been the spring break. The good news is that this is perfect snowman making snow.
Still, we suspect that this snow will melt quicker than it would in the middle of winter. Living up here, we know very well that spring doesn't come effortlessly. We'll be happy and lucky when spring finally arrives.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Waiting.... for Spring

These pictures are from our walk in the neighborhood this weekend. As you can see we can hardly say spring is here. And it's been pretty cool, dipping below the freezing point, so not much has changed. Oh yeah, it snowed this morning, just a little bit.
The spring salmon season is starting also, and Joe is itching to go fishing with his new rod. In fact, he has gone out a couple of times so far, but where he really wants to be is inaccessible: the harbor packed with ice. Still, last weekend he fished a river till he couldn't feel his fingers, and ice would form on the eyes of the rod. Brrrr.
But this is totally normal this up north. This year what's NOT normal for us is that we know exactly when we can escape from the cold. In a month we'll be flying to Hawaii, whether spring is here or not. Currently our Japan room is our Hawaii room with almost all our summer clothes.
Eventually, spring shall come.