Thursday, May 15, 2014

Fresh Snow!?

Yes, you are looking at the pictures of our back hill, currently covered with some fresh wet snow. Our weather guys were predicting snow this week, specifically for Friday. It started snowing this afternoon... and kept on coming. Trees and grounds turned white. I was glad that I still had my snow brush in my car. I had to use it when I was leaving work. Only yesterday I enjoyed hanging bed sheets outside in the sun.
So far we had picked ONE morel mushroom this season. It was last Saturday when we were out and about, we checked Joe's usual spots. Now it's even more doubtful that mushrooms are up this weekend.

Ramen Bowls & Smelts

Finally yesterday I got my ramen noodle bowls that I had ordered from Japan. I'm excited to have other noodle dishes in these perfect bowls.
Also yesterday Joe came home with some freshly caught smelts. He cleaned them and fried up for our (mostly for me) after-dinner snack.
They were nice and crispy, good to the tails. A taste of spring!