Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

We wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day one day early. Tomorrow evening we are going to see a hockey game with Joe's cousin and the family. It should be a fun outing for our Valentine's Day date.
I made a tiny little cheesecake upon Joe's request (the cheesecake, not the size) a couple of days ago, so it was good and ready to eat tonight. I felt slightly bad about not baking a larger cheesecake for Joe, who gave me a large flower bouquet as you can see.  

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Death Defying Feat

Since we seem to have lost the month of January to the cold and sickness, we are now trying to actually enjoy the cold whether. You can only be cooped up inside for so long. Anyway, on this lazy Sunday we decided to put a Christmas present from Santa with a great sense of humor (aka Joe) in to use. Ever since we bought our house with a hill in our back yard, Joe had been wanting to go sledding on the hill. We finally own a large and strong enough sled!

Just imagine two grownups going up the hill, sinking knee deep into snow, sledding down, screaming and laughing out loud. And we live in a pretty quiet neighborhood. We had lots of fun and a bit of exercise. A sense of conquering the Winter, almost. We wish you could have been here. 

Winter Carnival

It has become our winter tradition to go up to see snow sculptures at MTU with Phil and Judy. We knew it was going to be cold enough this year. We just hoped and prayed that it won't be blowing and snowing like arctic weather. Yesterday our prayers were answered by the sunny sky with little wind, though it was still around 15 degrees.

We kept our smiles while walking around and viewing the sculptures. Students had plenty of snow to work with this year, in fact they asked the school to remove some snow for them to have room to make sculptures. That was the first time, we heard. The only other thing was they had to work in zero temperature weather. Brrrr. We were all so glad to go into a warm restaurant for lunch afterward. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chinese New Year

We wanted to start February right by updating our blog, even though our blog site has technical issues. This dinner table was from the mid-week when I made a batch of egg rolls to celebrate Chinese New Year. Having egg rolls and fried rice was the only way we knew how to celebrate it....