Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fishing After Five

It's already the end of August, and for us in the North it seems that summer is finally here. It's warm enough with no socks and even no flannel sheets. One thing though some guys are starting to think about hunting season; stores are displaying Halloween. We haven't gone fishing enough at all this season. On my weekday off last week we decided to go to Apple Creek after Joe came home from work, taking store-bought pasties (Cornish meat/ potato pies) along for dinner.
We actually saw a bunch of fish. We just couldn't get any of them interested to bite. There were some pretty big fish. They just hung out right in front of us, which alone was quite exciting. But we wished we could have caught one! Oh well. The truth was that with or without fish it was very enjoyable to be on the stream. We both were glad we didn't wait for the next weekend off together to go fishing. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Weekend in Ironwood

We got to spend this weekend in Ironwood. Saturday we had Joe's cousin's wedding to attend. The weather was beautiful. The wedding was also very nice. Once again it turned out to be a rather busy weekend. Still we got to visit with Phil and Judy a bit and took short walks in the wild.
Before the wedding we went to Superior Falls. Joe tried fishing the mouth of Montreal River... no fish, but we enjoyed the warm summer day.
Sunday on our way back we stopped at Agate Falls to fish downstream. Again, no luck except for a couple of bites. Still it was very nice to be out on the river on the warm afternoon. The last couple of weeks had been rather cool and not quite like mid-summer. We tend to complain when the temps go up to 90's up this north, but the reality is that it never lasts long before cooling down to below 60. We have to enjoy what's left of our short summer up north. Today after Joe gets off work, we are going to Apple Creek for fishing, since we realized we haven't gone fishing enough this summer.
P.S. It is officially the end of summer up here. The State Fair was last week. Truck loads of Wisconsin sweet corn has been coming up, too. Like summer, the sweet corn season doesn't last long. We'll enjoy these best corn as much as we can!  

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Jeff Dunham

We are still alive! The summer months seem to be flying by... yet we had a good reason to have been looking forward to August 1st. We got to go to see a ventriloquist Jeff Dunham. He and his little characters were all great and funny. We also stayed at the casino resort, which explains the unusual mixed drinks we had afterwards. 
Next day on our way home we took a long-way along the lakeshore and stopped to stretch our legs. The beach pebbles were calling us.  
We were wishing Kozue had been with us to pick some agates.... The weather couldn't have been more perfect. A very good mini vacation... except Joe had to take apart our washer after we came home. It wouldn't do the spin cycle. The diagnose was the bad door lock. Let's hope the new lock part will cure it.